When does the PhD programme start?

We recommend students start their studies in October to get the full cohort/training experience. PhD applications are open for January/April start, but applications should only be submitted for these start dates if there is an agreed supervisor and confirmed funding (not self-funded). October offer holders with confirmed funding do have the option of deferring their start date if their arrival is delayed for unavoidable reasons (e.g. visa delays). Further information on deferring an application.

Is there an examination at the end of your first of your PhD?

At the end of your first year of your PhD, you will go through the first year probationary review, whereby you will be assessed in an oral examination (viva) by 2 examiners (one being your academic mentor and one being another within the department) before being registered to PhD and progress into 2nd year. Further information is here.

Is there any training at the start of the PhD program?

If applying for PhD in Chemistry, there is no official training at the start of your PhD. Each research group operates differently. You should have a day-to-day supervisor in the lab (this will be a senior in your lab such as a final year PhD or Postdoc) to help guide through through the initial learning phases which may involve training on relevant laboratory facilities and equipment.

During the PhD studies am I able to work on more than one project at a time?

Often many students work on multiple projects as part of their PhD research. Every group recommendations are different and it is best to consult your supervisor at the beginning of your PhD to discuss project ideas, direction and plan for the upcoming year.