Entry requirement: 2.1 Bachelor’s Honours degree or equivalent.

Please check international qualifications equivalence guidelines here.

Please contact admissions@ch.cam.ac.uk if you have any questions surrounding our minimum requirements.

This intensive one-year research MPhil in Chemistry prepares students for a career in the chemical sciences. You will conduct a substantial research project within the main themes of research ongoing in the department. The 15,000-word thesis you produce at the end of your project is examined by formal viva. 

Many students choose this MPhil programme as an access route for PhD study here or elsewhere. Others head off into the industrial sector, having gained solid expertise in laboratory and practical skills. Our chemistry education programme, including lectures and researcher development workshops, is open to all MPhil students, along with career development advice and mentoring.


Competition is strong for MPhil places and in all cases, we recommend that you correspond with potential supervisors early, well in advance of submitting your application. This is important in order both to understand which project you could be working on (prospective projects may not always be reflected in current group publications) and that current space will allow your prospective supervisor to accommodate you in their research laboratory, particularly with synthetic groups where fume cupboard space needs to be taken into account. 


For information about funding please click here. Please note that funding for MPhil applications is somewhat limited and therefore extremely competitive. If you are able to self-fund your MPhil, be sure to include this in your application, to avoid rejections if funding cannot be made available to you.


Please contact the academic you wish to study under before you apply as places are limited



Physical & Atmospheric 



Prof. Sir Shankar Balsubramanian FRS

Prof. Hugo Bronstein

Prof. Alexander Archibald

Dr Pawel Dydio

Prof. Stuart Althorpe


Prof. Melinda Duer

Prof. Stuart Clarke

Prof. Matthew Gaunt

Prof. Rosana Collepardo-Guevara

Prof. Gonçalo Bernardes

Dr Alexander Forse

Dr Chiara Giorio Prof. Jonathan Goodman

Dr Stephen Cox

Prof. Sophie Jackson

Prof. Clare Grey FRS

Prof. Stephen Jenkins Prof. Christopher Hunter FRS Prof. Jonathan Goodman
Dr Mateo Sanchez Lopez

Prof. Jonathan Nitschke

Prof. Sir David Klenerman FRS Prof. Robert Phipps Dr Robert Jack
Dr Pietro Sormanni

Prof. Erwin Reisner

Prof. Tuomas Knowles Prof. David Spring Prof. Angelos Michaelides

Prof. Michele Vendruscolo

Prof. Oren Scherman

Prof. Steven Lee

Dr Ruth Webster

Dr Aleks Reinhardt

Dr Julian Willis

Prof. Andrew Wheatley

Dr Svetlana Menkin


Dr Alexander Thom


Prof. Dominic Wright  


Prof. David Wales FRS

  Dr Jenny Zhang